Saturday, August 04, 2007

Lampe Avenue Fragrance Lamps

LAMPE AVENUE fragrance lamps purify and fragrance the air in your home with 36 beautifully blended fragrance oil fuels. Lampe Avenue fragrance lamps heavy quality crowns in several motifs set on fragrance lamps made of hand-blown glass, solid crystal, ceramic and mosaic fragrance lamps are decorative and functional art glass. Lampe Avenue fragrance oil is premium quality lamp oil fuel with blends that are so good, many of our customers who already had other brands of fragrance lamps tell us they use Lampe Avenue oils in all their fragrance lamps. Lampe Avenue fragrance oil fuel has strong fragrancing and excellent fragrance throws so the lamps burn efficiently. In September we plan on bringing in more of the promotional starter lamps that were so popular for gifts last year since our stock is currently limited. These promotional lampes are full size lamps with simple designs and come with an 8oz bottle of Lampe Avenue lamp oil (manufacturer choice of fragrance).